Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Partner In Crime? I Think Yes.

Okay so today I feel very very happy because I finally spoke to one of my best friends, from India, since like six months! It feels so good to finally catch up with her because I've missed her so so much! And she was one of those friends that moved to a different school before I left India altogether, so it was so hard to meet up with her because of our different and changing schedules. And, it's also hard to call her because of her sleeping schedules and of course the huge time difference.

But anyways, her name is Anvita. And I consider her my sister because we always act like sisters to each other. She became my first best friend ever when I moved to India and we just, I dunno, clicked I guess. We just have almost everything in common except for the fact that I'm not obsessed with Doctor Who, Avatar, and Legend of Kora (is that what it's called?).

But I haven't spoken to her in so long and I'm glad we finally spoke because I was really missing speaking to her and it was most definitely worth staying up till five am to speak to her. :)

I could go on and on about our momentous days together and how awesome she is and what great friends we've been but I don't want to bore you. And reminiscing will probably make me miss her more and possibly make me cry.

But I love her and she's my favorite bitch even though that's really cliché. <3

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